[Design 1] The tower and the backpack

What was surprising today

First things first, our instructor Gary! And TAs and classmates! I heard about Gary last summer when he was teaching Innovative Problem Solving — a course whose purpose and (fun and... weird...) activities are very hard to summarize... (Gary is so funny and humuorous... XD and the relaxing atmosphere is still surprising though I was actually expecting it)

And the theories of prototyping (fail fast so you can try again, manage ambitions) behind tower-building is really inspiring me since things like these only seemed simple games.

And of course, the power pose! That will certainly of big use during the national contest I'm participating in several weeks :)

What can I apply in my life

The principles of prototyping (perhaps it's not so good being cautious all the time?) and the power pose...

We were a bit too ambitious when building and made a crumbling tower in 15 minutes... That's quite a lesson to learn from. Balance ambitions and reality is very important.

↓ What it finally looked like (just passable :P)

How did I contribute to the class

I joined the icebreaking activity and the power pose activity (contributed fun...) and worked with my partner to build a tower with pasta and tape.

Several chances were missed today but I think I still took an active part in the class... Possibly because of the interesting things that everybody is required to do?

What is my goal for tomorrow

Grab chances for making more fun, make more friends and check whether the backpack is still fine.

The straws seem soooo unstable :|

And I need to say hello to one of my junior high schoolmate. I had planned to greet him after class but I was busy sticking paper together to make the backpack at that time...


* When Gary says "backpack", me and the guy sitting beside me both started saying "backpack backpack, backpack backpack — yeaaahhh!" That's a famous sentence in Dora the Explorer series... Interesting.

* This afternoon makes me so excited that I even thought of making big news


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